Category Archives: Android Tips
Create Android Phonegap 3.x Application on Windows “The Easy Way”
1. Install Node.js from link 2. Download and unzip ant at a preferred directory. Download from link 3. Create the following environmental variables in windows ANT_HOME set to the unzipped ant directory JAVA_HOME set to the installed jdk folder (Not Jre) [Ensure that ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables are set, and that they do not have […]
Google play ‘The server could not process your apk. Try again.’
From yesterday, I was trying to upload my new application to the Google Play, but every time I was trying, I was getting the error message ‘The server could not process your apk. Try again.’ Doing some googling on the internet I have found the cause and successfully repaired the error. The steps you have […]
AdWhirl integration in Android using xml layout
Integrating AdWhirl advertising is badly documented on AdWhirl support website. So, I have decided to share my experience here…… You can integrate AdWhirl very easily in your Android application as a provider following the steps below…… 1. Register an account at AdWhirl 2. Add your application and the associated settings on the website 3. Download […]
uninstall/delete an application from android emulator
First,make sure the emulator is running.Then follow below steps: 1. go to tools directory in command 2. adb shell 3. cd /data/app 4. ls (It will display all the .apk installed in your emulator) 5. rm ***.apk(which you want to remove) 6. exit To remove the system apps 1. adb remount 2. adb shell 3. […]
Tips on How to install .apk files into the Android emulator (newer versions like android-sdk_r08-windows):
I am a Khulna University CSE Student and this is my blog… Here I may post some tips for problems I am facing while developing my projects The first one goes here…….. Once the emulator is set up follow the following instructions: –Copy the file to “android-sdk-windows/platform-tools/” folder — Open a command line window (cmd), […]