All posts by imonhf

A way to prevent multiple instances of the same intent on button click in Android application

Sometimes while pressing a button repeatedly causes multiple instance of the same intent in android applications. To resolve this issue use intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) where you are creating the intent in your application, before starting the activity. Like below — Intent intent = new Intent(this, YourClas.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivityForResult(intent, INTENT_ID);раскрутка сайтов в гугле самостоятельно бесплатно

AdWhirl integration in Android using xml layout

Integrating AdWhirl advertising is badly documented on AdWhirl support website. So, I have decided to share my experience here…… You can integrate AdWhirl very easily in your Android application as a provider following the steps below…… 1. Register an account at AdWhirl 2. Add your application and the associated settings on the website 3. Download […]

Tips on How to install .apk files into the Android emulator (newer versions like android-sdk_r08-windows):

I am a Khulna University CSE Student and this is my blog… Here I may post some tips for problems I am facing while developing my projects The first one goes here…….. Once the emulator is set up follow the following instructions: –Copy the file to “android-sdk-windows/platform-tools/” folder — Open a command line window (cmd), […]