Create Android Phonegap 3.x Application on Windows “The Easy Way”
1. Install Node.js from link
2. Download and unzip ant at a preferred directory. Download from link
3. Create the following environmental variables in windows
ANT_HOME set to the unzipped ant directory
JAVA_HOME set to the installed jdk folder (Not Jre)
[Ensure that ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME variables are set, and that they do not have quotes (either ‘ or “) and they do not end with or with /.]
4. Install phonegap (Not cordova) using nodejs command in cmd
C:> npm install -g phonegap
5. Add the following path variables to windows – <your-directory>apache-antbin;<your-directory>AppDataRoamingnpm;<your-directory>android-sdk-windowsplatform-tools;<your-directory>android-sdk-windowstools (Change <your-directory> with your desired directory addresses)
6. cd from cmd to your preferred directory to create project
7. Use the following commands in the cmd to create project
phonegap create my-app
cd my-app
phonegap run android
8. Cut and paste the folder ‘CordovaLib’ at (<Your Project Folder>platformsandroid) to a separate place
9. Import ‘CordovaLib’ as library project to Eclipse
10. Import the other project from ‘<Your Project Folder>platformsandroid’ and select the library project in Eclipse
11. Enjoy!
N.B. I have assumed that you have already installed the Android SDK and Eclipse ADT